If there is even one ESL enrollment for a student, ASISTS will look for ESL tests, and if it does not find a valid Best Plus/Best Literacy, the student is considered as not having a valid pre-test.
Assuming the enrollments are appropriate (meaning in real life the student is sitting in a class that will give them what they are looking to achieve), the solution is to create "secondary" versions of each of the classes, but with the Instruction Type "BE" (so same teacher, same time, etc, but different Instruction type). This will mean that each class has 2 rosters: 1 ESL roster for the students who have BP/BL tests, and 1 BE roster for the students who have TABE tests.
Once those Instructional Offerings are created, you will need to enroll these students in those BE versions of the class(es), re-enter any contact hours that were accumulated in the ESL versions, and then DELETE the ESL enrollments for those students.
NOTE: it is not enough to just take them out of the ESL class by completion/withdrawal, these enrollments must be deleted.
Once those steps are complete, ASISTS will process overnight and should see only BE enrollments for those students, and recognize the existing TABE tests as valid tests for these students.