Test Validation in ASISTS
The basic logic is as follows: (and can be found, with additional details, in the
resource called the "Test Validation Table")
1) ASISTS looks at the tests from the time period of January
1 through June 30, and takes the test CLOSEST to the June 30th date - one for each test type (TABE Math, TABE Reading, Best Plus, Best Literacy).
That test is put in the pool, any earlier tests are ignored. The logic
here is that if the tests that are earlier were lower, then the later test was
used as a post-test for the prior FY to show gain, and therefore the lower AND
earlier pre-test cannot be used again.
2) ASISTS Takes all pre-tests from the current FY (July 1 - June
30) and adds them to the pool.
3) ASISTS Takes the lowest pre-test from this pool, and this is
considered the pre-test of record for the current FY.
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